Sunday, December 17, 2006

And they lived happily ever after

I want to be happy. But what is happiness?

Well, from Chobits happiness is defined as being with someone you love.

But who do I love? I suppose someone who loves me back. If you can understand the me, then I can understand the you. Wait a minute! What is love anyway? I guess you love someone if you are happy when you are with him/her.

Damn it, another infinite recursion...

1 comment:

majid said...

"I guess you love someone if you are happy when you are with him/her"

So why do you need to call it love. just call it being happy with someone :D
and you probably won't sing a song or write a poem for her/him--it's just a metaphor.
What do you think when a lover scarifies itself for the sake of his love. and this tragedy might triggers a master piece by a writer.

I'm happy to have you as my friend and I love to be with you whenever possible but I dare to leave here to see you when I have lots of business down here ? do I love you !? of course not ? But would I be happy being with you ... you tell me ;)